Wilson Read-a-thon 2025


Step #1: Click here to  log reading minutes into READsquared - All students have been given Usernames and Passwords to log-in. If you have any issues reach out to Mrs. Ciampa at jeciampa@westfieldnjk12.org

These types of reading count toward minutes students may log:
1. Independent Reading
2. Reading to younger siblings or pets.
3. Being read to.
4. Listening to audio books.
5. Watching recorded books - like in EPIC!

Step #2: Links for Fundraising - Help support the Wilson Library, classrooms, and our students! If you have any questions with fundraising links please reach out to Wilsonpto@westfieldnjk12.org

  • Click here to access your students personal fundraising page to donate and share with family and friends!  

  • Click here to see our overall progress as a school.


Didn't order a David Biedrzycki book because you already own? Rest assured, the PTO is offering the opportunity to send in your previously purchased book to be signed by the author.  All books must be pre-registered via this link by Tuesday March 4th, and then sent into school on Wednesday March 5th to be organized for the author. Books will be returned home on Friday March 7th.


Spirit Days

Monday, March 3rd: Pajama Day
Let’s celebrate that books can help you solve mysteries! When Queenie Bee goes missing, Ace Lacewing is hot on the honey trail. With his trusty sidekick, Sergeant Zito the Mosquito, Ace combs Motham City for clues. Will Ace find Queenie Bee before it's too late? Wear your favorite PJ’s to school today. Ace Lacewing: Bug Detective by David Biedrzycki


Tuesday, March 4th: Celebrate Our Differences Day
Let’s celebrate that books can help you celebrate your differences! Try as he might, Robot can't keep up with the other robots at the warehouse. But when he's sent off for reprogramming, he takes a wrong turn and ends up encountering music, dancing, and ART! Share what makes you different today. ARTificial Intelligence by David Biedrzycki


Wednesday, March 5th: Wacky Wednesday
Let’s celebrate that reading is a great imagination workout! Special Agent Bubble07, posing as a stuffed animal, he
infiltrates the home of Earthling Daughter, where he puts up with dog slobber, tea parties, and show and tell. Will the unicorn blow his cover and call for backup? Or will his alien heart be won over by storytime, snow days, and snuggles? Use your imagination and wear your craziest outfit today. Invasion of the Unicorns by David Biedrzycki


Thursday, March 6th: Friendship Day
Let’s celebrate that reading can build friendships! A funny and read-aloud worthy sequel to the best-selling SumoKitty brings two unlikely friends together in this hilarious dog-meets-cat adventure perfect for pet lovers. How will you be a good friend today? SumoPuppy by David Biedrzycki


Friday, March 7th: David Biedrzycki Author Visit - Wilson Wear Day
Let’s celebrate that reading is fun! Who wouldn't want a pet dragon? See what raising a friendly dragon might look like in this hilarious read aloud about a boy and his pet. Wear your Wilson Wear today to show David Biedrzycki your school


Happy Reading!!!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

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